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  • Are the works original?
    Yes, all works are authentic, by the artist. Most of the works are unique, without reproductions. Works that have reproductions, such as prints and engravings, are accompanied by information on the quantity of print runs.
  • What are the shipping methods and average delivery time?
    After payment is made and the purchase is posted, deliveries in Brazil usually take between 3 and 15 business days. (Post Office/Transporter) and International deliveries can take between 8 to 20 business days. (FEDEX/DHL)
  • What is the shipping cost?
    Shipping is free throughout Brazil, making it more accessible to customers. For international shipping, shipping upon request.
  • How is the fixing and conservation of works carried out?
    The works must be installed using 6mm screws and plugs directly on the wall. For lighter works, fixing with nails is recommended. To ensure the integrity and durability of the wood in your frame, it is recommended that cleaning be carried out only with a dry cloth.
  • Do you work with orders?
    Yes! From paintings and illustrations to large-scale murals. Request your quote via the 'Contact' tab in the menu or directly via WhatsApp +55 (31) 992532955. It will be a pleasure to think of an exclusive job for you.
  • I still have questions, what should I do?
    If you still need any information, please contact us via email: . It will be a pleasure to assist you in your choice or clarify any questions about the works.
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